Colon Cleansing Drink from These 3 Ingredients is Effective in Lowering Weight


It is believed that consuming several types of food and drinks can detoxify the body, such as this healthy 3 ingredient juice. Reportedly it can reduce body weight (BB) and improve digestion.

The body actually has its own detox system which involves the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and digestive system. However, many health experts also believe that consuming healthy foods helps detox the body from the outside.

One of them is a pharmacist who exists as a TikTok content creator, Mohammed Fawaz. Through his TikTok account @yourmodernpharmacist, he shared a video of a colon cleansing drink recipe which has now been viewed more than 1.7 million times.



“Today, we will do a liver and colon cleanse to get smooth bowel movements, lose weight, and feel better, and have more energy,” he said at the beginning of the video.

Even though he calls this drink a “colon cleanser”, Fawaz does not recommend just consuming this drink every day. But start the day by drinking it before eating and drinking anything else. Do it for 7 days.

You only need 3 ingredients, namely cucumber, celery, lemon or lime. First, cut the cucumber and celery. Fawaz uses 1 medium sized cucumber and 1 fairly large stalk of celery.

illustration of celery cucumber juiceCucumber and celery juice is said to be a colon cleanser that helps you lose weight. Photo: illustration/thinkstock

Puree in a blender with the juice of half a lemon/lime. Also add 236 ml-473 ml of water to smooth it.

“Cucumber and celery will help detoxify the body and get rid of excess water and waste in the body,” said Fawaz. “The antioxidants from lemon/lime will help the intestines and will also add flavor to the drink,” he continued.

So is this viral recipe really useful for body detox? Quote NY Post (3/1/2024), many medical professionals warn that the concept of ‘detoxification’ through food and drink is a myth.

“The liver is our detoxification machine. This organ was created to do this job,” says liver cancer specialist and surgeon Dr. Thomas Aloia of MD Anderson.

In line with Aloia, Dr. Michael Smith also agrees. “If your goal is to detoxify your system, don’t waste your time or money,” he says.

He continues, “Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins, no matter what you eat. Toxins don’t build up in the liver, kidneys, or other parts of the body, and you won’t be able to get rid of them with the latest detox miracles.”

Even so, it is true that colon cleansing drinks can facilitate bowel movements and help with weight loss.

This is because of the nutritional content of these 3 healthy ingredients. As is known, cucumbers are high in water content which is beneficial for losing weight when consumed.

Cucumber juice, cucumber, cucumber.Cucumbers contain a number of nutrients that hydrate the body and improve digestion. Photo: Jcomp/Freepik

Eating cucumbers can help you stay hydrated, which can make your bowel movements more regular. Cucumbers are also high in fiber which is important for regulating bowel movements.

What’s more, cucumbers have antioxidants and can lower blood sugar levels, which causes hunger and the desire to eat.

Meanwhile, celery is also a vegetable that is low in calories and high in fiber. Consuming it makes you full quickly, and also helps remove waste.

Other benefits of consuming celery include prevention of cancer and Alzheimer’s. It can also help lower high blood pressure.


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