Coffee consumption gives a positive effect on the growth of good bacteria in the intestine


Recently, a study revealed new findings related to the link between coffee consumption and intestinal health. Research published in Nature Microbiology reveals coffee containing good bacteria.

Reported from detikFoodthe researchers in this study analyzed feces samples from 22,867 participants to understand the impact of coffee on intestinal bacteria. The participants are categorized in three groups, namely those who have never been drinking coffee, coffee drinkers, and heavy coffee drinkers.

The results showed that coffee drinkers have high levels of bacteria Lactobacillus asaccharlyticus. These findings indicate that coffee consumption can have a positive effect on the growth of good bacteria in the intestine.


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Clinical professor at the University of Chicago and Chief of Scientific Staff at Endeavor Health, Michael Caplan, emphasized the importance of microbiomas in the intestine for overall health.

“Good bacteria in the intestine are very important for overall body health, and having a variety of microbiomas is very crucial,” Caplan said.

According to Caplan, a healthy intestine can help prevent diarrhea due to antibiotics, play a role in the management of obesity, heart disease, and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

In addition, the intestine is also the main place for most immune cells, so that intestinal health plays a role in the immune system, digestion, and reducing inflammation.

Caplan explained not only caffeine that played a role in increasing good bacteria in the intestine. Coffee without caffeine also has similar benefits.

This is caused by the polyphenol content in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid and quinat acid, which serves to stimulate the growth of good bacteria. Polyphenols acts as a prebiotic that provides nutrition and supports the development of good bacteria in the intestine.

Caplan suggested consumption of 1-2 cups of coffee per day to get optimal benefits for intestinal health. This amount is enough to stimulate the intestinal flora and support the balance of microbiomas.

“The amount is in accordance with the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which limits the intake of caffeine to no more than 400 milligrams per day or equivalent to around 4 cups of coffee,” explained Caplan.

Additional little milk and sugar will not reduce the health benefits of intestinal health as long as consumption is not excessive.

This article has been aired on detikFood. Read more here!


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