Characteristics of chicken barking chicken, watch out for the wrong choice – The case of the sale of barking chickens came back after the South Jakarta Metro Police arrested a merchant who was proven to inject water into the chicken’s body so that it weighing.

This cheating practice is detrimental to consumers because it not only reduces the quality of chicken meat, but also has the potential to endanger health.

If the chicken is barking with dirty water, it has the potential to make chicken meat contaminated with harmful bacteria, such as e-coli.

Characteristics of barking chicken

Head of the South Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Department (KPKP), Hasudungan A Sidabalok revealed some of the characteristics of barking chickens sold by naughty traders.

Also read: How to Melt Frozen Chicken Meat so as not to be contaminated with bacteria

Here are the characteristics of barking chicken

1. Looks wetter

Barking Chicken has a wetwer texture than fresh chickens in general.

If the normal chicken only feels moist, barking chicken looks more muddy and slippery when touched.

2. The pungent fishy aroma

Chickens that have been injected with water tend to have a more pungent and unnatural fishy odor. This odor can attract more flies than fresh chicken.

But if the chicken is not infested with flies at all, it could be preserved the chicken with formalin which is a different case and is also dangerous.

Also read: 3 Errors Storing Chicken Meat, Makes the Refrigerator Smell

3. Removing a lot of water when lifted

When lifted, barking chicken will release more water than fresh chicken. This is an indication that chickens have been injected with water to increase their weight.

4. Drastic shrinkage when cooked

When cooked, both boiled or fried, barking chicken will experience a drastic shrinkage.

If fried, oil will spray more due to high water content in chicken meat.

Chicken Seller in Pasar Senen Blok III, Central Jakarta, has experienced a price increase since last week.Rachel Farahdiba R. Chicken Seller in Pasar Senen Blok III, Central Jakarta, has experienced a price increase since last week.

Tips for Avoiding Barking Chicken

To avoid buying barking chicken, Hasudungan suggested the following steps:

Check the chicken texture

Before buying, touch the surface of the chicken. If it feels too wet and slippery, you should avoid buying it.

Look at the scent

The odor that is too fishy can be an indication of barking chicken.

Also Read: Don’t Wash Chicken Meat Using Water, This Is As a result

Lift and pay attention

If the chicken releases a lot of water when lifted, most likely it is a barking chicken.

Case of selling chicken barking

On February 27, 2025, South Jakarta Metro Police arrested a trader named Soyib (32) who was found selling barking chicken at the Kebayoran Lama Market.

The confiscated evidence included five chickens that had been injected with water, five chickens that had not been injected, one syringe, one water hose, and two sales receipts.

Also Read: Chicken Meat Must Be Washed, Right or False?

For his actions, Soyib was charged under Article 62 paragraph (1) juncto Article 8 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. He is threatened with a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of up to Rp2 billion.

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