Kompas.com – Have you ever taken medicine with tea water? In certain situations, such as when traveling, tea may be the only choice available to swallow medicine.
However, is this action safe for health?
Actually, taking medicine with tea water is generally not a serious concern. However, it is important to know that tea contains certain substances, such as tannins, which can affect the effectiveness of the drug.
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Tanin is a compound found in vegetable foods, including nuts, vegetables, fruits, and tea leaves.
Tanin has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits for health, but can also inhibit the absorption of certain drugs in the intestine.
In addition, tea contains polyphenols that can interact with several types of drugs. For example, drinking paracetamol with hot tea is not recommended because the caffeine in tea can interact negatively with paracetamol.
What is the best way to take medicine?
The best way to take medicine is to use water. Water does not contain substances that can affect the absorption or effectiveness of the drug.
Also read: Getting to Know 6 Types of Chinese Tea, Delicious Traditional Heritage
However, if in an emergency or no other choice besides tea, taking medicine with tea can still be done.
Even so, you are advised to consult a doctor first, especially if the drug you consume is critical or sensitive to interaction.
Taking medicine with tea water is actually still possible, as long as it is in an emergency.
However, because the content of tea such as tannins and caffeine can affect the effectiveness of drugs, the use of water remains the best choice.
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To ensure safety, always consult a doctor or pharmacist related to drugs that will be consumed with tea.
By understanding this, you can be wiser in maintaining health and ensuring the effectiveness of treatment.
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