Jakarta –
Indonesia as a maritime country has abundant fish resources. This wealth can also support the nation’s children to become a golden generation that is far from diseases, such as stunting and the risk of death from coronary heart disease.
Professor of Nutrition at IPB University and General Chair of PERGIZI Pangan Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Hardinsyah, MS said that the habit of eating fish has a multitude of benefits for the body. According to Hardin, a person needs to eat at least 150 grams of fish/day regularly to prevent disease in the long term.
In fact, he said that the habit of eating fish could help someone live to be 100 years old.
“There is a study of people over the age of 100 or what are called centenarians. One of the secrets is the habit of eating fish. This secret is a long study, but fish has a unique variety of nutrients. The protein is very complete, easy for the body to use, and minerals and the calcium is also complete,” explained Hardin in his statement, Thursday (26/1/2023).
In commemoration of National Nutrition Day as well as the launch of Ready-to-Fry Serundeng Seasoned ABC Sardines by Kraft Heinz ABC in Jakarta, Hardin explained that pregnant women need to eat 150 grams of fish/day at least 4x a week in order to prevent stunting during pregnancy.
One of the ingredients in fish, such as calcium and vitamin D, helps the bones in the fetus grow longer quickly so that the child’s growth and development is better and not stunted. Apart from having a physical effect on stunting, the nutrition in fish also has an effect on preventing stunting because it helps brain development.
The habit of eating fish is also closely related to heart health and helps control blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Hardin added that people who regularly eat fish also have lower levels of depression and can prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s.
“Eating fish prevents various diseases, including death due to coronary heart disease which is the number 1 cause of death in Indonesia to date. It turns out that eating 100-150 grams of fish/day reduces deaths due to coronary heart disease by 1/5,” said Hardin.
“Our country is extraordinary, from west to east, we used to be called the children of sailors as a maritime country. Eating fish should be a habit of our ancestors that we continue continuously,” he said.
Practical & Affordable Alternative to Eating Fish
ABC Serundeng Seasoned Sardines Ready to be Fried (Photo: detikcom/Erika Dyah)
The habit of eating fish can be done in practical ways without the need for hassle or digging deep into your pockets. One of them is the presence of the Ready-Fried Sardine ABC Serundeng Seasoning innovation from Kraft Heinz ABC.
Marketing Manager for Easy Meals Kraft Heinz Indonesia, Diana Riaya Kusumaningrum, said that her party launched this product to continue to support the government’s program to prevent stunting. The company strives to provide a good and accessible source of protein for all groups at affordable prices.
“It contains complete ‘Nutricea’, starting from Omega 3 & 6, Protein, DHA, Calcium and Phosphorus, to Vitamins D, D3 and B12. These are the nutrients our bodies need, especially children to prevent stunting,” explained Diana.
Apart from its complete nutritional content, Diana said that the taste of serundeng is also delicious and familiar to the tongues of Indonesian people. This new product from Kraft Heinz ABC is the first fried sardines in Indonesia that are tasty and crispy with Indonesian flavors.
“Talking about serundeng, this is also interesting. Because serundeng is a type of dish that is well known to our society and is a daily menu at home. We make this from fresh natural ingredients, there are turmeric, galangal and onions which we take from the ingredients natural ingredients,” he concluded.
The Ready-to-Fry ABC Seasoned Serundeng Sardine product is available in two size options. Namely the personal size is 155 grams which is in accordance with the recommendation to eat fish/day, and the family size is 400 grams.