Banana Bolu Recipe Without Flour, Anti -Soft and Soft Texture – Banana sponge is a delicious snack that can be made without flour. This alternative is suitable for those who avoid gluten or want a healthier choice.

Reported from the page All recipesbanana sponge without flour can still expand with a soft texture. The key is in a mixture of cooked bananas, eggs, and other additional ingredients.

Also read: Recipe for Roasted Banana Bolu, Hantaran Ideas During Valentine

Banana sponge without flour is also richer and not dense. In addition, natural sweeteners from bananas and honey make it healthier.

If you want to try to make a banana sponge without flour at home, follow the following recipe. This recipe is easy to practice and the results remain soft and delicious.

Also read: Recipe for Chocolate Chocolate, Fluffy and Moist

Banana sponge recipe without flour


  • 3 cooked bananas
  • ? honey cup
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 3 eggs (separate yellow and white)
  • ? chopped walnut cup (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp nutmeg powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp Allspice powder (optional)
  • A pinch of salt

Also read: Recipe for Baked Banana Baked, Take advantage of the bananas that are quite cooked

1. Bake the banana first

Heat the oven up to 200 ° C. Place the banana on a baking sheet and stab the skin with a fork. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the skin is black and the flesh is soft.

2. Prepare the basic dough

Lower the oven temperature to 175 ° C and prepare a baking sheet that has been smeared with oil. Split the baked bananas, then put it in a large bowl. Add honey and oil, then shake with a low speed mixer until evenly mixed.

3. Add dry ingredients and egg yolks

Add egg yolks one by one while continuing to beaten. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and chopped walnuts. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

4. Beat the egg whites until fluffy

In a separate bowl, beat the egg white with salt to form a soft peak. This will make the sponge texture lighter even without flour.

5. Mix egg white into the dough

Put the egg whites beaten into the banana mixture little by little. Stir gently using a spatula to keep expanding.

6. Bake the sponge until cooked

Pour the mixture into the pan and flatten. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the toothpick is pushed into the middle of the sponge out clean.

7. Cool before serving

Remove the sponge from the oven and let stand a few minutes. Turn it on a serving plate, then cut into the taste.

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