Avoid consumption of these 4 foods before coffee so as not to lack nutrition


Coffee can indeed provide benefits to the body. However, there are some foods that must be avoided before drinking coffee so as not to experience side effects.

Drinking coffee in the morning has become a ritual of most people in the world. Drinking coffee is felt to be able to provide energy to start a series of activities in a full day.

But it should be noted that drinking coffee also has rules. Seen in food before and after, because the caffeine in coffee can affect the condition of the body if mixed with other nutrients.


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Considering that caffeine is a stimulant that can have a lot of effect on the body. Quoted from Healthy Eating (11/27/18), the following 4 foods that should not be consumed before coffee:

1. Milk and cheese

consumption of milk and cheese in AmericaCaffeine in coffee can affect calcium absorption. Photo: Getty Images

Before drinking coffee is advised not to eat foods or drinks that contain calcium. For example, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products.

Caffeine in coffee can affect calcium absorption. Not only that, caffeine can also make the body release more calcium through urine.

This effect is relatively small for most people. To ensure that the body has enough calcium levels that are advised not to drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day.

2. Meat

BeefIt’s best to avoid eating foods that contain zinc before drinking coffee. Photo: Istock

It’s best to avoid eating foods that contain zinc before drinking coffee. Foods that contain zinc such as red meat and various Seafood such as shells, crabs and lobster.

Not without reason, this is because coffee contains tanat which forms bonds with several minerals and food. This bond is very difficult to break down by the body.

If after eating meat and drinking coffee, it can make the body issue zinc which should be absorbed by the body. This condition causes the body to lack zinc.

Check out the video “Measuring the potential of the current Coffee Coffee Business
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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