Candidate 2024, Ganjar Pranowo enjoyed the massage of a child therapist (photo: ig/@ganjar_pranowo)
CANDIDATE President Ganjar Pranowo Sharing the moment of togetherness to eat noodles with his wife Siti Atikoh Supriyanti and their only child Muhammad Zinedine Alam Ganjar on his personal X account uploaded on Saturday, October 21, 2023.
Even the former Governor of Central Java for two periods also learned how to cook noodles with Rayhan Paramarta or familiarly called Ray, Chef as well as the owner of Bakmilenial.
Ganjar Pranowo was taught from how to boil the noodles, plug, and also provide toppings to his homemade noodles.
Ganjar, who is known to have a high sense of humor, also laughed until giggling when he saw the uniform of the noodielenial staff that read the confusion sentence.
“What noodles are painful? Your certainty, “said Ganjar Pranowo, laughing out loud.
Ganjar then immediately devoured his homemade noodles who without realizing it had run out even though Siti Atikoh and Ganjar were still eating, even Ganjar wanted to immediately taste Siti Atikoh’s noodles.
(Photo: ig/@ganjar_pranowo)
The former number 1 person in Central Java assessed that the idea of making a noodlelennial noodle shop is a very creative idea where everything ranging from spices, noodles, and toppings made by themselves.
Ganjar also admitted that the taste of noodles in that place was very delicious. He highly recommends anyone to come and try.
“This is a creative Bakmilenial he made his own seasoning, for his own noodles, how to cook himself, the topping is arranged by himself, delicious. So the old young eh, eh, you can also come here Bakmielenial Top, “said Ganjar at Kedai Bakmie located at The Ground at Nipah, Petogongan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Massaged a small child in red shirt
After being full eating noodles, Ganjar who was chatting with Siti Atikoh and Alam Ganjar was then approached by a small child wearing a red shirt that claimed to have traditional massage capabilities that could repel various body diseases.
Interested in the offer, Ganjar invited the child to show his ability to massage traditional.
(Photo: ig/@ganjar_pranowo)
While feeling the massage on his back, Ganjar asked the child about his name. The child answered that his name was Gibran.
“What’s your name?” Ask Ganjar to the red -shirted child.
“Gibran,” answered the child.
“Gibran’s name? Oh, you’re talking about many people, “said Ganjar while joking.