7 tips for eating to take care of heart health during the fasting month


Heart health needs to be considered during fasting. Pay attention to diet, such as consumption of drinking lots of water and avoid caffeine.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan actually brings a positive effect on the health of the body. Starting from helping weight loss and prevent coronary artery disease.

Health experts called the Hindustan Times site emphasized that during fasting, those who have heart problems, high blood pressure, or diabetes must specifically pay more attention to the health of the body.


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Because fasting can cause electrolyte imbalances and can make the heart vulnerable to arrhythmias (heart rhythm disorders).

To maintain heart health during fasting, there are tips that can be done, including regulating diet.

Launch Hindustan Times (05/04/2023), here are 7 tips!

1. Don’t overeat

Avoid overeating during fasting for the sake of heart health and controlling weight.Avoid overeating during fasting for the sake of heart health and controlling weight. Photo: Getty Images/Mgstudyo

Many consume excessive food when breaking the fast as a form of ‘revenge’ after not eating and drinking for a long time.

However, this is not recommended, especially if you want to improve heart health.

There are two main hormones that affect hunger regulation. Ghrelin hormones that stimulate appetite and leptin that suppress appetite.

When not eating for some time, ghrelin hormone levels increase. After eating, leptin levels tell that the body is full.

However, if food intake into the body excessively, can disrupt the balance of this hormone. Triggers the excessive eating cycle continuously, and damage weight.

Eating excessive unhealthy foods can also cause a buildup of cholesterol. This can trigger the formation of fat plaque in arteries and increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Therefore, when breaking the fast, eat just enough.

2. Drink lots of water

Young Woman Drinking Pure Glass of WaterConsumption of enough water to remain hydrated. Photo: Getty Images/Seb_ra

Maintaining fluid balance is also important during fasting to improve heart health. You do this by drinking lots of water or other healthy drinks to prevent dehydration.

It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. The right hydration can help reduce jugular venous pressure, pulmonary edema, peripheral edema, and able to control body weight.

3. Avoid caffeine

drinking coffeeIt is better to avoid caffeine from coffee, tea, or other foods that contain high caffeine. Photo: getty images/istockphoto/stock_colors

Caffeine should be avoided during fasting. At least the intake is limited. Because, caffeine can block the absorption of iron and increase the flow of urine which can cause dehydration. Caffeine can also increase heart rate and blood pressure.

Change the intake of caffeine from tea or coffee to herbal drinks from mint or ginger leaves which can also avoid flatulence.

4. Avoid fried foods and sweet foods

Bakwan IllustrationFried foods and other sweet foods are also better avoided. Photo: Getty Images/Ika Rakhmawati Hilal

When dawn and open, many people choose to eat fried foods or contain large amounts of sugar.

These foods are better avoided because they can trigger obesity and insulin resistance. Both of these are the main factors of metabolic syndrome, namely a set of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

It is better to consume foods with balanced nutrition, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat protein.

Other tips that can be done to maintain heart health during fasting can be read on the next page!

Check out the video “Video: Don’t forget to eat fruit vegetables at dawn to resist hungry!
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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