Routine 5 healthy foods can prevent prostate cancer


Threat prostate cancer The greater for adult men. In order to minimize the risk there are some delicious foods that can be consumed regularly. Take a peek at the list!

Prostate cancer is the biggest fear, especially for adult men who are starting to be old. The age factor is one of the triggers for prostate cancer especially if you run an unhealthy life.

If it is not resolved immediately, prostate cancer will threaten the vitality of adult men and reduce the quality of sexual health. It turns out that in addition to carrying out a healthy lifestyle, prostate cancer can also be minimized through the consumption of certain food ingredients.


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One sign that a person experiences prostate can be seen from the quality of urine and sperm. Take a peek at some list of healthy foods that can prevent prostate cancer for men today.

Here are 5 healthy foods to minimize prostate cancer according to the Hindustan Times (10/2):

Routine 5 healthy foods can prevent prostate cancerRed beets turned out to contain natural components called nitrate which is good to prevent prostate cancer. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Krblokhin

1. Beet fruit

Red beets naturally contain nitrates needed by the body. Nitrate content in beets can help increase stamina, reduce blood pressure to maintain heart health.

Beets are also enriched with potassium content which is an important mineral for regulating salt levels in the body. Excess salt content becomes something that must be considered because it can trigger prostate cancer.

When blood pressure and salt levels in the body are in normal conditions, the risk of prostate cancer will also decrease. In Indonesia, beets have been widely used such as being a refreshing food and smoothie.

2. Berry fruit

Berry that grows with various colors and variants turns out to have very many benefits. Naturally, berries contain high antioxidants so that it can help protect body cells well.

Routine consumption of berries can fight disease and inflammatory attacks. The berries in question such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are widely sold in supermarkets.

Berry is also rich in vitamin C which can prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which triggers prostate cancer. The way this vitamin C works will control urine and sweat fluid that comes out of the body.

Other food ingredients to minimize prostate cancer Others are on the next page.

Check out the video “Video: BPOM sampling results related to food products during Ramadan
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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