5 popular myths about fruit consumption for diet, this is the fact


Many myths are circulating about fruit consumption for diet. The high sugar content in the fruit is called the effort to weight loss. There are also those who consider the consumption of poor avocado on a diet. Is it true?

When trying to lose weight, there is a lot of information developing in the community, including myths that are not tested for truth. Not infrequently many people believe this myth.

For example the myth of the question fruit It should not be eaten on a diet due to high sugar. Then some say the fruit is high in carbohydrates so that it interferes with weight loss efforts.


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The rules for consumption of fruit also do not escape from myths. Many believe the fruit should not be eaten in an empty stomach condition.

How is the facts? Quote Livestrong (16/3), this is an explanation of health experts about popular myths consumption of fruit during a diet:

1. Myth: may not eat fruit because of high sugar

One of the biggest misunderstandings about the fruit is because it is sweet, meaning high sugar and bad for health. Nutritionist Carolina Margolis straightened this matter. He explained that sugar in the fruit is a natural sugar called fructose which is different from additional sugar found in processed foods.

“Fructose will only endanger health if consumed a lot, which is difficult to get excessively in the natural form of fruit,” Margolis said. “For most people, the amount of sugar in the fruit is safe for consumption,” he continued.

He highlighted other nutrients from the fruit that made him important to consume, even though on a diet. Fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. The high water content also helps regulate your appetite and make you full longer, said Nutritionist Reema Patel. Make fruit as a healthy ‘snack’ to replace sweet foods such as candy or cookies.

2. Myth: Fruit makes weight gain due to high carbohydrates

Eat fruit after 2 pm is good?Photo: istockphoto

Nutritionist Roxana Ehasani confirmed the fruit contains carbohydrates, but the type of healthy carbohydrates, mostly in the form of food fiber. This type of fiber supports intestinal health, making full longer, to keep blood sugar levels stable.

“The more food fiber intake, the better the diet effort, and the fruit is the natural source of the fiber,” said Ehsani. He also emphasized that there was no need to avoid consumption of carbohydrates because this macro nutrient had an important role in producing energy and supporting overall body functions.

For consumption, if you’re worried that the fruit makes you fat, Ehsani suggests paying attention to her portion. Try not more than 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day.

3. Myth: Eating avocados make fat

Many diet perpetrators labeled poor avocados because of their high fat content making fat. Patel said there was no need to cut the intake of fat from avocados because this soft fruit contains healthy fats.

The consumption is actually good when diet because it helps regulate appetite, make full longer, and feel satisfied when eating it. This is based on the results of the Harvard Th Chan School of Public Health research.

Patel said, “This means we can avoid the desire to snack and eat overall.” In order to be more balanced nutrition, avocados can be eaten with a source of minimal fat protein, whole grain, and vegetables.

More in the next page.

Check out the video “Try the fresh manis dessert from the Korean peach fruit
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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