7 foods mentioned in the Koran and Hadith and its properties


The Koran is a guide to the life of Muslims. Inside it is listed a lot of information, including foods that are healthy. Starting from olives, figs, to bananas. The following information.

The Koran has many names, one of which is Ash-Syifa which means healing. Therefore, a number of verses in the Scriptures provide knowledge about a number of natural remedies that can be consumed by Muslims.

Citing the Nahdlatul Ulama page, Ibnul Qayyim in his book, Zad Al-Ma’ad, explained, the Koran is the perfect healing of all heart and physical diseases, as well as world disease and the hereafter.


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In addition to the Koran, Muslims also have other guidelines called hadiths. The hadith is the words, deeds, and approval of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which is the second source of Islamic law after the Koran.

Here are 7 natural remedies mentioned in the Koran and Hadith:

1. Olive

Olive fruitOlives are mentioned 7 times in the Koran. Photo: Shutterstock

Olives are mentioned seven times in the Koran. This shows how important the fruit is in the history of the development of Islam.

Olive fruit not only has nutritional values, drugs and cosmetics; But also fulfilling the function of religion as a sign of the greatness of Allah SWT.

In Surah Al Mu’minun verse 20, tells about fruits that must be eaten, and talk about olive trees that grow on Mount Sinai that provide oil and seasoning to be eaten.

Many people choose oil from olives as a healthier oil choice than palm oil.

Olive oil contains a single unsaturated fatty acid around 75%. When replacing saturated fat, the single unsaturated fat from olives helps reduce bad cholesterol.

The health benefits of olive oil are associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Honey

Honey IllustrationThis nutritious honey is also mentioned in the Qur’an. Photo: Getty Images/Almaje

Honey since thousands of years ago has been used to treat various diseases.

In fact, the privilege of honey for health is also explained in the Koran An Nahl (Bee) paragraph 69.

“From the belly of the bee outside the drink (honey) which has various colors, inside there are drugs that heal for humans. In fact, in such a thing there really is a sign (the greatness of God) for those who think.”

The benefits of honey have also been studied by a number of medical experts. Quoting the Mayo Clinic, a number of studies show that honey has the benefits of antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-hatred.

Antioxidants in honey can be beneficial for reducing the risk of heart disease. In several studies, honey is also proven to help prevent memory disorders to wound care. Topical use of medical honey has been proven to increase wound healing, especially burns.

3. Dates

datesThe efficacy of dates does not need to be doubted. This fruit has also been mentioned in the Qur’an. Photo: Getty Images/Annapustynnnikova

Dates are the most widely mentioned plants in the Koran. In the book of Mu’jam al-Mufahras Li Al-Fazhil Qur’an, ‘Abd Al-Baqi explained that in the Qur’an the dates were published 20 times in 16 letters.

One of the verses in the Scriptures that call dates is Maryam’s letter verses 23-25. The two verses tell the story of suffering and pain that plagued Mary when they were about to give birth. He leaned to the base of the date palm tree. Then Allah through the angel Jibril ordered Maryam to shake the base of the dates at him, then fall the palm fruit that is ripe, to be eaten and as a medicine for pain during childbirth.

Dates contain high fiber and antioxidants. The benefits of nutrition can support brain health and prevent disease.

One of the antioxidants found in dates is phenolic acid. This substance can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Laboratory studies find dates useful for lowering inflammatory markers, such as Interleukin 6 (IL-6), in the brain. The high level of IL-6 is associated with higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

4. Ginger

5 Benefits of Drinking Ginger Water After Eating, Many Benefits!In the verses of the Qur’an, Jaeh is mentioned/ photo: Times of India

Since thousands of years ago, ginger has been used to treat various diseases. In fact, ginger is called the most healthy spices on earth

This herbal plant is also apparently mentioned in the Koran.

“And there they were given a glass of drink mixed with ginger.” – QS Al Insan verse 17.

The verse tells the story of heaven. Allah said that the inhabitants of heaven would be given a drink with a mixture of ginger.

Over the years, a number of modern studies have found extraordinary benefits from ginger, ranging from killing bacteria, relieving nausea, treating coughing, lowering blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, to reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Tin fruit

The Koran has a chapter called Surah At-Tin which means Tin. In fact, God swores in the name of Tin fruit and also olive fruit.

Tin References in the Qur’anic Verses Talk about the benefits of the drug from the fruit. In the Islamic tradition, whatever the name is used to swear by God has the greatness or interests attached to it.

Tin or figs contain pectin, soluble fiber which helps reduce cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber removes excessive triglyceride levels and helps eliminate triglycerides. In addition, dried figs contain omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6, cardioprotective phytosterols and help improve brain health.

6. Blackus Sauda

Blacks Sauda or black cumin seeds come from subtropical plants from the Middle East that have been used as medicine for thousands of years ago.

The specialty of this black cumin is also written in one of the hadiths. The Prophet said, “In fact, in Habatussauda (black cumin) there is a cure for all kinds of diseases, except death.” (Bukhori and Muslim)

The benefits of black cumin are mainly because of its main active compound called thymoquinone, which has shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other therapeutic properties that protect the body from cell damage and chronic diseases.

7. Banana

Eating bananas should not be mixed with several other foodsBananas have also been mentioned in Surah Al-Waqiah. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Bhofack2

In Surah al-Waqiah verse 29, Allah mentioned bananas as a fruit that is arranged.

“And the righteous people, how he blessed them! They will be in the middle of the prickly bidara tree, banana clumps, extensive shade, flowing water, abundant fruits, never in the season, and not forbidden” (QS Al Waqiah 27-33)

The Koran mentions in general about the fruits eaten by people in heaven, and specifically mentioned about bananas that tell us that bananas are among the fruits that are blessed. Bananas are a good addition for breakfast or morning snacks because it is packed with potassium, fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, and folate.

Bananas also contain several types of strong antioxidants, including flavonoids and amines. This antioxidant has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases.

This article has been aired on CNBC Indonesia with the title 7 Natural Medicines mentioned in the Quran & Hadith and its properties


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