What is cholesterol? This is dangerous if the body’s cholesterol is too high

Kompas.com – High cholesterol is a fairly common health problem. High cholesterol is considered a trigger for dangerous diseases, such as the heart.

However, what are the risk factors that can cause high cholesterol, and how to overcome it?

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that plays an important role in the body. This substance helps the formation of cell walls, hormone production such as estrogen and testosterone, as well as the making of vitamin D.

Cholesterol also plays a role in the digestive process by producing bile to help the absorption of fat in food.

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However, despite having an important function, excessive cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Previously, total cholesterol was considered a major cause of heart disease, but recent research shows that different types of cholesterol have a variety of effects on health.

High cholesterol or hyperlipidemia occurs when cholesterol levels in the blood exceed the normal limit.

Cholesterol examination is done through a blood test, either by taking a sampling from the vein in the arm or through the finger stab test.

The doctor will give a high cholesterol diagnosis if total cholesterol levels in the blood exceed the recommended number.

Therefore, it is important to understand the details of the results of cholesterol tests to find out the health implications.

Also read: Benefits of Olive Oil for Health, Lower Cholesterol

Causes of high cholesterol

Some factors that can affect cholesterol levels in the body include:

  • Eating Patterns: Consumption of high -saturated fat foods, such as processed meat and fast food, as well as excessive processed carbohydrates.
  • Weight weight: overweight or obesity, especially fat in the abdominal area.
  • Smoking: Can interfere with the balance of cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: Increasing cholesterol and fat levels in the blood.
  • Certain diseases: Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and HIV can affect cholesterol levels.
  • Certain drugs: Some blood pressure drugs and HIV drugs can increase cholesterol levels.
  • Age and Gender: As we get older, cholesterol levels tend to increase. Women after menopause are also at risk of increasing cholesterol levels.
  • Genetic Factors: If there is a family history of high cholesterol, it is likely that a person will also experience it.
  • Season: Cholesterol test results can be higher during cooler months.

Symptoms and impact of high cholesterol

High cholesterol often does not show clear symptoms. However, some signs that can show high risk include being overweight, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, and high stress.

Differences in cholesterol and gout can be known from the components of its forming, effects on the body, and their treatment.Dock. Shutterstock/NPW-STUDIO Differences in cholesterol and gout can be known from the components of its forming, effects on the body, and their treatment.

In certain cases, high cholesterol can cause the appearance of fat deposits in the skin or eyelids, white rings in the eye iris, or lumps in the joints.

The impact of high cholesterol levels includes:

  • Heart disease and stroke: cholesterol that accumulates in the arterial wall can cause atherosclerosis or narrowing of blood vessels.
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s: fluctuations in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in old age can increase the risk of this disease.
  • Liver disease and diabetes: high cholesterol can be associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes.
  • Eye disorders: The risk of developing glaucoma can also increase due to high cholesterol levels.
  • Thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism can cause increased cholesterol levels, which can return to normal after this condition is treated.

Cholesterol relationship with eating patterns

In the past, eggs were considered as the main cause of high cholesterol. However, research shows that only a little fat in eggs directly increases cholesterol levels.

Also read: 11 Benefits of Garlic which are proven scientifically, lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure

Conversely, consumption of high-saturated and trans fat foods, such as fast food, sweet bread, and cakes made from white flour, apparently contribute to increasing cholesterol levels in the blood.

The importance of knowing cholesterol levels

Although cholesterol is an important substance for the body, knowing cholesterol levels is very useful for identifying the risk of heart disease and other health conditions.

Therefore, it is recommended to do a regular cholesterol examination to monitor and manage their health well.

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