5 Herbal Drinks to Prevent Flatulence When I Break Fasting


Flatulence is often experienced after breaking the fast. As a solution, try consuming this herbal drink when breaking the fast.

Fasting makes the body experience various changes in conditions. One condition that often occurs is flatulence.

Bloated conditions make the stomach look tight, full, and cause discomfort.


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Flatulence should not be underestimated, because it could be a sign that the body’s condition is in an unhealthy state.

Avoiding the consumption of certain foods and drinks can indeed help. However, the condition of flatulence can also be overcome by drinking herbal drinks.

Launch Times of India, here are 5 concoctions of herbal drinks that can overcome flatulence when breaking the fast:

1. Peppermint Tea

anti -senile with peppermint teaDrinking peppermint tea can overcome flatulence. Photo: Gettyimages/Telegrah

Peppermint tea made by inserting peppermint leaves into hot water is one of the right concoctions.

This tea is known for its soothing and good properties to relieve acidity and bloating in the stomach.

It contains menthol which helps relax the muscles of the digestive tract, reduce gas, and discomfort due to bloating.

Flavonoid compounds in this tea are also believed to be effective in relieving various problems in the digestive system, including flatulence.

2. Lemon ginger

The healthy concoction of green tea, can be added ginger, lemon, honey, to mint leaves.This simple herbal drink offers properties to overcome bloating. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto

The combination of lemon and ginger can also overcome flatulence. How to make it easy to just boil slices of lemon and ginger.

This drink is efficacious because ginger in it is a natural remedy for digestive problems.

While lemon can also help digestion and help the body reduce acidity.

Ginger and lemon also contain antioxidants and anti -inflammatory, so that it can relieve intestinal inflammation.

Eating ginger lemon wedang can make the intestines work better, so that digestive problems can be resolved.

Other herbal drink recommendations to overcome bloating can be read on the next page!

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