KOMPAS.com – Some food ingredients should not be processed carelessly because it can trigger poisoning. For example, meat, green vegetables, and rice.
The wrong way to process food ingredients can cause contamination of bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are harmful to the body.
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Food poisoning is generally characterized by symptoms of vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and loss of food lust.
People with certain conditions, such as children, elderly, and patients with chronic diseases, are at risk of developing food poisoning greater than others.
You can listen to food ingredients that can trigger food poisoning, as reported Healthline the following.
Foods that can trigger poisoning
1. Poultry meat
Poultry meat that is not cooked until cooked is at high risk of causing food poisoning.
Two types of bacteria that cause food poisoning from poultry meat are Campylobacter and salmonella.
These bacteria often contaminate fresh poultry meat during slaughtering and can be avoided with the process of cooking until cooked.
In order to avoid the risk of poisoning, you should not wash raw meat and make sure the raw meat is not in contact with cooking utensils because it can cause cross contamination.
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2. Fish and shells
Maritime food, especially fish and shells, including food ingredients with the highest risk of food poisoning.
Fish that are not stored at the right temperature are at high risk of being contaminated histaminetoxins produced by bacteria in fish.
Histamine not destroyed by normal cooking temperatures and cause food poisoning known as poisoning scombroid, Then cause symptoms of nausea to the facial process.
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In addition, types of shells such as shells, remiss, oysters, and scallop also has a risk of food poisoning.
Because the algae consumed by shells produce a lot of toxins and these toxins can accumulate in the flesh of the shells, causing danger to humans when consuming shellfish.
The shells purchased at the store are usually safe to eat, as long as they have been cleaned correctly.
3. Eggs
Not recommended to consume raw or half cooked eggs. The reason, this food contains salmonella bacteria that can cause poisoning.
Avoid buying eggs with cracked or dirty shells because it has a higher risk of spreading bacteria.
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