Watch out for a bacterial polluted, this is how to save chicken in the refrigerator – Chicken meat is one of the foods that are consumed by the public.

However, behind the delicious taste, chicken meat, especially in frozen conditions, is very vulnerable to bacterial contamination if not stored properly.

Therefore, it is important for us to understand how to store frozen chickens precisely to stay safe for consumption.

Also read: Chicken Recipe Kremes Seasoning Lemongrass and shrimp paste

How to store frozen chicken safely

The following is a way to store frozen chicken in the refrigerator to be safe and not polluted by bacteria:

1. Make sure the chicken is fresh

Before storing chicken in the refrigerator or freezermake sure the chicken is in fresh condition. Chicken that is not fresh will rot faster and can affect the quality of storage.

2. Don’t wash the chicken before storing

One common mistake that is often made is washing raw chicken before saving it. Washing chicken can cause cross contamination in other kitchen utensils.

Also read: Chicken Semur Recipe, Sprinkle Sliced ​​Chili

Instead, just wipe the surface of the chicken with a kitchen tissue to remove dirt or excess fluid.

3. Use airtight container

So that the quality of the chicken is maintained, store in an airtight container such as plastic or tightly closed container. This aims to:

  • Avoid bacterial contamination from other foods.
  • Prevent the aroma of chicken mixed with other food ingredients.

4. Save in the refrigerator for short -term use

If the chicken will be used within 1-2 days, store in the refrigerator with a temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius.

Illustration of the refrigerator, illustration of storing food in the refrigerator door. Shutterstock/Makestory Studio Illustration of the refrigerator, illustration of storing food in the refrigerator door.

Don’t leave the chicken for too long in the refrigerator because it can cause unpleasant discoloration and aroma.

5. Use a special storage area

To avoid cross contamination, do not store frozen chicken along with other raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, or dairy products. Separate the chicken in a special compartment or a closed container.

6. Save it inside freezer for the long run

If you want to store chickens in a longer period, place it in the freezer with a stable temperature below -18 degrees Celsius.

Also read: Chicken Semur Recipe, Sprinkle Sliced ​​Chili

With the correct storage, chickens can last up to one year. For convenience when it will be used, you should wrap the chicken according to the portion of once cooking so that the disbursement process (Thawing) easier.

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