Mataram DPRD Announces Mohan-Mujib as Mayor-Deputy Mayor Elected


The Regional Representative Council (DPRD) of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), announced the determination of the Mohan Rolishaa and TGH Mujiburrahman pair as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mataram elected for the 2025-2030 period. This determination is based on the results of the Plenary Meeting of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the City of Mataram as outlined in the Minutes numbered 01/PL.02.2-BA/5271/2/2025.

Acting Secretary of the Mataram City DPRD Council, then Martawang, delivered the announcement at the DPRD Plenary Meeting on Wednesday (1/15/2025).

“It is hereby announced the determination of the candidate pair of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mataram elected in 2024 on behalf of Mohan Rolisha as Mayor of Mataram and TGH Mujiburrahman as Deputy Mayor of Mataram for 2025-2030. The central government, “he said.


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Note on KPU Mataram, pair number 2, Mohan-Mujib, excellent in five sub-districts, namely Ampenan, Mataram, Sekarbela, Selaparang, and Sandubaya, with a vote of 56.65 percent in Pilwalkot Mataram 2024. 1, then Aria Dharma-Weis Arqurnain, only superior in Cakranegara District with a total valid vote of 86,432.

The Chairman of the Mataram DPRD, Abdul Malik, appreciated the elected pair who was incumbent. “Many achievements have been achieved. Hopefully in the future this couple will be able to lead the city of Mataram and maintain the mandate,” he said.

The Mayor of Mataram was elected, Mohan Rolisha, thanked all parties involved in the implementation of the 2024 elections. He was also committed to continuing the unfinished program.

“We thank all parties. Yesterday the elections really drained their energy, thoughts, to the most crucial aspects. Later we will continue what is delayed. We improve what is lacking,” said Mohan.


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