KOMPAS.com – When starting to provide complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI), it is important to pay attention to a balanced nutritional composition.
Pediatrician from RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya, Dr. Dr. Meta Herdiana Hanindita, SpA(K) said that the role of vegetables and fruit in MPASI should not dominate.
Reporting from BetweenTuesday (21/1/2025), this is caused by the antinutrient content contained in these foods.
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What are antinutrients?
Antinutrients are compounds that can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
“Antinutrient (antinutrients) which are commonly found in plant based nutrition both from vegetables, fruit and vegetable protein. “It can inhibit the absorption of important substances, such as iron and zinc,” said Doctor Meta, as reported by BetweenTuesday (21/1/2025).
Doctor Meta continued, examples of antinutrients include phytic acid, tannin, oxalic acid, And goitrogen.
For example, spinach contains oxalic acid which can prevent calcium absorption, while tea contains tannin which can inhibit iron absorption.
Meanwhile, cabbage and kale contain goitrogenic which can hinder the absorption of iodine.
In fact, in MPASI, iron, zinc, calcium and iodine are among the micronutrients that need to be met so that the baby can have optimal growth and development in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK) phase.
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Doctor Meta suggests that vegetables and fruit should only be introduced as a complement, not as the main ingredient.
Animal protein could be an option because it contains high micronutrients and is easily absorbed by the body.
Some recommended sources of animal protein include chicken liver, beef, shellfish and fish.
These ingredients are rich in iron and zinc, which are very important to support children’s optimal growth.
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