Eating Grilled Fish on a Cliff, Adrenaline Boosted by Stunning Views: Okezone Tvscope

Eating Grilled Fish on a Cliff, Your Adrenaline is Boosted by Stunning Views

Looking for a different experience by enjoying grilled fish on the edge of a cliff/Photo: MNCTV

BANJARNEGARA – For culinary lovers who are looking for a different experience, enjoying grilled fish on the edge of a cliff in Banjarnegara could be an interesting choice. A restaurant located in Kalilunjur Village offers the sensation of eating with stunning views from a cliff height of around 100 meters.

The most popular mainstay menu is grilled soft bone tilapia with green chili sauce. Fresh fish is prepared with spices such as shallots, garlic, ginger and turmeric, then grilled using a special technique until perfect. The savory, sweet and spicy taste is even more delicious to enjoy at high altitude while looking at the enchanting natural panorama.

The menu prices offered are quite affordable, starting from IDR 25 thousand to the jumbo package for IDR 100 thousand. To enjoy this sensation, visitors only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 15 thousand and are free to choose a seat in the cliff area which offers beautiful views. (Dwinarto)

(Fetra Hariandja)

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