These 5 foods should not be consumed with tea, here’s why


Drink tea it’s delicious accompanied by other snacks. Unfortunately, not all foods are suitable to be enjoyed with tea. There are foods that are best avoided, such as these 5 foods.

Some people make tea their daily drink. Whether at breakfast or in the afternoon, tea is thought to be tastier if enjoyed with accompanying snacks.

Usually many people drink tea while eating snacks such as bread or biscuits. There are also those who like to enjoy their breakfast tea with eggs. Even so, make sure the complementary food you choose is safe to consume with this caffeine drink.



Because there are some foods that are actually not suitable for consumption with tea. Summarizing Time of India (02/06/2021), here are 5 foods that should be avoided together with tea.

1. Foods Rich in Iron

Foods for Diet: 10 Best Green Vegetables for Weight LossGreen vegetables should not be consumed together with tea because it can be dangerous. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Boonchuay1970

Foods containing iron may be necessary for body health. Usually this is consumed to prevent anemia and maintain the digestive system. However, consuming it together with tea is not a good idea.

Tea is a drink that contains tannins and oxalates which can block the absorption of iron from foods that contain iron. This compound is able to bind the iron contained in these vegetables and prevent its absorption in the blood.

Several foods contain iron that should be avoided, starting from nuts, green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach and seafood.

2. Lemons

Lemons are often consumed by dieters. Finally, lemon is also often mixed into tea as a healthier choice.

But actually, tea not suitable when combined with lemon. It’s not about the taste, but rather the ingredients mixed between the drink and the lemon.

Tea consumed with lemon can make the drink more acidic, which can cause flatulence. The mixture can also cause acid reflux problems and heartburn when consumed in the morning.

Although some people believe that lemon tea can help you lose weight, it is better avoided, especially by those who have stomachs that are sensitive to acid.

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