How to Clean Caramel Stains on a Pan or Pan – After creating desserts like caramel sauce in a frying pan or pan there is usually sugar residue stuck to it.

Once the caramel sugar residue has dried, it is difficult to clean because it hardens, so it must be cleaned immediately.

Check out how to clean caramel stains on pans and pans below, quoted from the Mashed page.

Also read: How to Clean Greasy Oil Stains with Toothpaste

1. Boil with water

The first step in cleaning all the burnt sugar is to fill the pan with water, making sure that it covers the entire stain.

Place the pan on the stove, and let the water boil completely. After that reduce the heat, and let it simmer for between five and 10 minutes.

The boiling water will loosen the sugar and melt the remaining sugar, enough to separate it from the surface of the pan.

Also read: 3 Ways to Clean and Store Knives in the Kitchen

2. Clean the remaining sugar

Once the sugar starts to melt, use a spatula or wooden spoon to stir the water. This will separate more of the loosened sugar from the pan.

Any remaining sugar on the edges can be gently scraped off the pan with a brush.

Also read: 3 Tips on How to Clean a Cutting Board at Home

3. Cool and clean the pan

Once done, remove the pan from the heat and let the water cool before pouring it in.

You can also use a sponge or brush to remove excess sugar before washing the pan.

Also read: 4 Proper Ways to Clean and Store Wine According to IPB Experts

4. Repeat if there are still sugar stains

If you find that some of the burnt sugar is still stuck, simply repeat the boiling process.

Also read: How to Clean an Iron Skillet Correctly, Avoid Dishwashing Soap

5. Clean with vinegar

If the burnt sugar is very thick or stubborn in certain places, try adding a cup of vinegar to the water before boiling it.

This will further loosen crusty stains and make it easier for the pan to shine like new again.

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