Getting to know the OCD diet, a successful eating pattern for reducing weight, Anya Geraldine


OCD diet popular as an effective weight loss method after being introduced by Deddy Corbuzier and successfully reducing his weight. So, what is the OCD diet pattern?

Diet is an eating pattern to maintain a healthy body, including losing excess weight. There are many diet methods that can be applied, one of which is the OCD diet.

The OCD diet has been popular since it was implemented by Deddy Corbuzier. He managed to get a fit and muscular body after following the OCD diet. That’s where this diet method is widely followed.



Not only Deddy Corbuzier, there are several other artists who have also succeeded in losing weight with this diet. But for you, don’t just follow the diet, but first know what the OCD diet is.

1. OCD Diet is like Fasting

Mistakes when dietingOCD is an abbreviation for Obsessive Corbuzier’s Diet. Photo: iStock

OCD is an abbreviation for Obsessive Corbuzier’s Diet. Deddy Corbuzier introduced this diet method in 2013. He said that this diet was the same as fasting.

What differentiates it from other diet methods, the OCD diet still allows eating but within normal limits or not excessively. So, there will be certain times for eating and for fasting.

These times are known as eating windows. And in the OCD diet method, there are four eating windows that can be followed.

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2. 4 OCD Diet Eating Windows

This is the Best Breakfast Menu and Time for Dieters4 OCD Diet Eating Window. Photo: iStock

The rules for the first eating window are eating for 8 hours, while fasting for 16 hours. Meal time starts at 10.00 am.

So, starting from 10.00 – for the next 8 hours until 18.00 you are allowed to eat. However, keep it in normal portions. Then, for the next 16 hours you must fast.

During fasting, you are not allowed to eat and you are still allowed to drink. You can go through the next eating window until your body can adjust.

The 2nd eating window has a bit of a challenge. The challenge is that the eating time is reduced to 6 hours. And the time for fasting increases to 18 hours. Likewise with the 3rd eating window.

In this eating window, eating time is only 4 hours and fasting time is up to 20 hours. And in the 4th eating window it will be more challenging because you are asked to fast for 24 hours.

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