Want to Lose Weight Fast? Follow these 7 tips from experts


Many people are impatient when dieting because they want to lose weight quickly. Try following these 7 tips from experts so that diet results can be seen immediately,

Efforts to diet to lose healthy weight actually take time. As stated by nutritionist Jessica Cording in Prevention (27/4/2024), “The body wants things to be stable. If there is sudden significant weight loss, then the body is biologically programmed to see this as a response to threat.”

So actually there is nothing wrong with diet results that appear slowly. Even if the results can be very fast, according to nutritionist Beth Warren, it’s not good. Mainly because dieters follow extreme and limited eating patterns. “This is not realistic and only (results) in the short term,” said Warren.



But is there a healthy way to lose weight quickly? Health experts reveal that there is. These general methods can be followed to speed up weight loss.

Here are 7 ways:

1. Get enough fiber

Sources of fiber, such as oatmeal, nuts, fruit and vegetables are good to consume when dieting. General guidelines are that men need around 38 grams of fiber a day, while women need around 25 grams.

Fiber intake not only makes the body healthy as a whole, but also helps maintain a feeling of fullness for longer. However, try to introduce your body to fiber intake slowly. “If you immediately eat a lot of fiber, you are worried about digestive problems,” explained Cording.

2. Half the plate is filled with vegetables

A cropped image of an Asian woman mixing ingredients in her healthy fresh vegan salad. The close-up showcases a multi-colored salad bowl filled with assorted fresh leaf vegetables, including rocket, tomatoes, zucchini, olives and pumpkin seeds.Photo: Getty Images/Thai Liang Lim

Want to lose weight fast? From now on, fill half your plate with vegetables. This healthy food ingredient is high in fiber and tends to be low in calories.

Warren says eating lots of vegetables helps dieters control their daily portion sizes. Because your stomach already feels full due to consuming calorie-dense foods. Finally, the desire to eat unhealthy food can be suppressed.

3. Breakfast

So far, there have been many pros and cons regarding whether or not you need to eat breakfast. However, health experts reveal that breakfast is important and can actually make you lose weight quickly.

“Breakfast fills you up and keeps your metabolism running properly, so dieters can make healthier eating decisions throughout the day,” said Warren. He suggests consuming a high protein breakfast menu.

4. Give up sugary drinks

Packaged fruit juice can be haram for several reasonsPhoto: iStock

Sweet drinks, such as soda, juice and packaged tea, really tempt the taste buds. However, if you want to lose weight quickly, avoid these types of drinks high in added sugar.

Cording said that by not drinking sugary drinks, a person will cut a lot of daily calories. Slowly, the desire for sweet snacks can decrease if you get used to ‘fasting’ from sugar.

More details on the next page.

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