Is it true that eating avocados is effective in helping you lose weight?


Many people rely on avocado intake when dieting because it makes them full and tastes delicious. But is it true that eating avocados is effective in helping you lose weight?

It turns out that avocados are ideal as a diet menu. Avocados can be a key supporter of success in losing weight. Of course, apart from consuming balanced nutritional food, exercising regularly and getting enough rest.

Nutritionist Laura Burak says this fruit is a source of omega-3 fats and fiber, two powerful combinations that stabilize blood sugar levels, slow digestion, and prevent unhealthy food cravings.



By eating avocado, you can avoid the desire to eat snacks or ultra-processed foods high in sugar which are not good for dieting.

“Adding avocado to your diet at least once or twice a day will keep you fuller and less likely to eat the large portions of high-calorie snacks and/or dinners that typically lead to weight gain,” Burak told Eat This Not That’s it.

Research supports how beneficial avocados are for those looking to lose weight and get fit. According to analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2001-2012, individuals who consumed avocados had lower body weight and smaller waist circumferences than those who did not consume avocados.

Additionally, data from a randomized clinical trial of overweight adults revealed that eating half an avocado at lunch was associated with greater satiety and reduced desire to eat five hours after lunch.

Avocado nutrition

AvocadoPhoto: Getty Images/HRAUN

Quoting Healthline, 100 grams or half an avocado contains several vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber. In other words, half an avocado contains about 160 calories.

Apart from that, avocados also contain quite a lot of niacin, riboflavin, copper, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants. Avocados are also low in carbohydrates and are a good source of fiber. Each serving contains only 9 grams of carbohydrates, 7 of which come from fiber.

Unlike most other fruits, avocados are relatively high in fat, namely around 15 percent.

Benefits of eating avocado

How to Make Avocado Iced CoffeePhoto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

In addition to being beneficial for weight loss, Burak says avocados are a “nutrient powerhouse” that naturally adds antioxidants to the diet.

Avocados can also be enjoyed in a variety of ways and taste incredibly delicious, which is an important part of maintaining consistent healthy eating habits.

“In short, adding avocado to your diet makes you mentally and physically happy,” says Burak.

In addition, according to Healthify me, avocados are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and oleic acid, which improves the digestive process and reduces the risk of obesity.

Eating avocados helps regulate appetite and reduces the risk of heart disease, cholesterol and diabetes along with its benefits.

Avocados are a high-fat food. However, the synthesis of oleic acid is a constituent of most fats.

Research shows that oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is found mostly in nuts and olive oil.

This is an important component of a healthy weight loss diet. Additionally, consuming raw avocado acts as a natural detoxifying agent and helps cleanse the body.

The high fiber content helps you eliminate toxins and promote regular bowel movements for better weight loss.

This article was published on CNN Indonesia with the title “Can Eating Avocados Help You Lose Weight?


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