KOMPAS.com – Coffee with caffeine is often considered safe when consumed in low to moderate amounts. However, consuming high doses of caffeine can cause unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.
Based on research, caffeine can improve mood, metabolism, and mental and physical performance.
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that consuming up to 400 mg of caffeine per day is usually safe for most people.
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However, tolerance to caffeine is also influenced by genetic factors, so some individuals are more sensitive to caffeine than others.
Side effects of most caffeine
The following are nine side effects that can occur due to excessive consumption of caffeinated coffee:
1. Anxiety
Caffeine is known to increase alertness by inhibiting the effects of adenosine, a chemical in the brain that makes you feel tired. In addition, caffeine stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline which increases energy. However, at high doses, these effects can cause anxiety and nervousness.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), caffeine-induced anxiety disorders are one of four syndromes associated with caffeine consumption.
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Consumption of more than 1,000 mg per day can cause symptoms such as nervousness and shakiness in most people, especially those who are sensitive to caffeine.
2. Insomnia
One of the main benefits of caffeine is that it helps people stay awake. However, too much caffeine can disrupt sleep patterns.
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Research shows that consuming high amounts of caffeine can lengthen the time to fall asleep and reduce total sleep duration.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the amount and time of caffeine consumption so that sleep quality remains optimal.
3. Digestive disorders
Many people rely on coffee in the morning to help facilitate bowel movements. However, high doses of caffeine may cause diarrhea or loose stools.
If you experience indigestion from caffeine, consider reducing the amount you consume or switching to tea that has lower caffeine levels.
4. Muscle damage
A serious condition known as rhabdomyolysis can result from excessive caffeine consumption. In this condition, damaged muscle fibers enter the bloodstream, potentially causing kidney failure and other problems.
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Even though this case is rare, it is still important to limit caffeine consumption to stay within safe limits.