7 places to eat meatballs in BSD-Serpong, there is Titoti Meatballs

KOMPAS.com – The BSD-Serpong area is located in the city of South Tangerang, Banten. You can find a number of delicious meatball stalls in this region.

The closest place to eat meatballs from BSD-Serpong includes Titoti Meatballs, Malang Enggal Meatballs, to Pondok Meatballs Mas Gino.

In full, see the recommendation of a delicious meatball eating place in Serpong-BSD complete with the price of the menu.

Also read: Recipe for Fried Meatballs Hoppong, Serve with Sauce

1. Pondok Bakso Mas Gino

In addition to the old Tangerang market, you can also find Pondok Meatball Mas Gino in Sector IV BSD Shophouse, Jalan Pahlawan Seribu, Lengkong Wetan, Serpong, South Tangerang City.

Pondok Bakso Mas Gino menu consists of meatballs, meatballs, special meatballs, egg meatballs, and chicken noodles starting at Rp. 22,000.

The price of chicken noodles is cheaper, around Rp. 16,000 per serving.

You can come to Pondok Bakso Mas Gino open every day at 10:00 to 21:00 WIB.

Also read: Spicy Tofu Meatballs Recipe, Home Chinese Food that is Easy to Make

2. Malang Bakso Enggal

Malang Bakso Enggal sells meatballs with a buffet system. You can take meatballs according to taste, before adding the sauce.

The price of meatballs is sold units ranging from Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 15,000 with a choice of fine meatballs, fried meatballs, vein meatballs, and missile meatballs.

There are also fried dumplings, shrimp dumplings, squid dumplings, steamed tofu, and steamed dumplings to complete the meatballs.

Malang Enggal Meatballs are located on Jalan Raya Viktor BSD Number 6, Ciater, Serpong District, South Tangerang City, Banten.

The place to eat meatballs in BSD is open every day at 10.00-21.30 WIB.

Also read: Malang Meatballs Recipe and How to Make Savory Sauce

3. Pondok Bakso Solo Mas To

Furthermore, there is Pondok Bakso Solo Mas To To located on Jalan Raya Viktor BSD Number 4, Ciater, Serpong District, South Tangerang City, Banten.

The Solo Mas To Meatball Pondok menu consists of small fine meatballs, jumbo vein meatballs, domestic meatballs, egg meatballs, bone bone meatballs, and special rib meatballs.

There are also ordinary chicken noodles, meatball chicken noodles, soto noodles, and soto meatball noodles. The price of meatballs in Pondok Bakso Solo Mas To start from Rp. 20,000 per portion.

Pondok Bakso Solo Mas to open every day at 09.00-22.00 WIB.

Also read: 6 Delicious Meatballs Eating Places in Makassar, starting at IDR 10,000 per serving

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