Jakarta –
Sufferer diabetes youth is increasing. Diabetes is triggered by diet. Here are 7 foods that can lower blood sugar naturally.
Diabetes is a disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels in the body. Usually, blood sugar levels increase due to unhealthy daily eating patterns.
In fact, there are a number of foods that can lower blood sugar levels that are good for consumption every day. By consuming these foods, the risk of diabetes can be prevented.
The Ministry of Health says diabetes is a disease that needs to be watched out for. Because diabetes can cause blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and even death.
Data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) recorded that 10.7 million Indonesians suffered from diabetes in 2019. This number places Indonesia as the country with the 7th highest number of diabetes sufferers in the world.
The highest number of diabetes sufferers in the world is in China at 116.4 million, India at 77 million, and the United States at 31 million.
Therefore, it is important to start taking care of your daily food to avoid diabetes. Diabetes can also be prevented by reducing body weight, increasing activity, and managing stress.
Foods to Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Quoted from Healthline, the following are daily foods that can lower blood sugar levels in the body.
1. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the foods that has anti-diabetic effects. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Phacharason Mongkhonwikuldit
The results of the study show that broccoli contains sulforaphane which has the property of lowering blood sugar, thus providing an anti-diabetic effect. Apart from that, broccoli can also increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar.
To keep the sulforaphane content high, broccoli should be cooked steamed or eaten raw.
2. Seafood
Seafood such as fish and shellfish contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can control blood sugar levels.
In addition, protein also slows digestion, thereby increasing feelings of fullness. That way, you won’t overeat and your blood sugar levels can be maintained.
3. Nuts
Nuts can also be a suitable food for controlling blood sugar levels. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Nuts and peanut butter can also control levels blood sugar. In fact, this food is suitable for long-term consumption.
Types of nuts that can maintain blood sugar levels range from peanuts to almonds.
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