7 Diet Juices to Lose Weight and Make Your Stomach Slimmer


Diet juices made from a combination of fruit, vegetables and other natural ingredients can be healthy drinks. Especially to support weight loss and body detoxification programs.

So, what juice is good for a diet? Check out the list below.

Good Juice for Diet

The following are recommendations for a 7-day juice diet menu that you can try:



1. Carrot Juice

Carrot juice in glass and fresh carrots Healthy food on a gray stone background.illustration of carrot juice. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/AnnaPustynnikova

100% carrot juice drink (no sugar) is nutrient dense containing lots of vitamin A and healthy carotenoids. Carrot juice can increase fiber intake, by increasing feelings of fullness and regulating appetite.

Interestingly, the results of an 8-week study in 2020 by Tomohisa Takagi, et al, involving 28 men with obesity found that those who drank carotenoid-rich drinks every day experienced a significant reduction in belly fat.

2. Celery Juice

celery juice illustration.celery juice illustration. Photo: Getty Images/Johner RF/Johner Images

Celery juice is low in calories, where 1 cup contains 33 calories. However, it also contains more than 95% water.

A 2023 review from Oluwakemi L Adeola, et al, published in the National Library of Medicine, shows that choosing foods and drinks with lower calorie density (such as vegetables and following a plant-based diet) can be beneficial for losing weight and fat.

Celery juice is also a source of antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. This helps reduce oxidative stress and fight inflammation.

3. Tomato Juice

Illustration of tomato juiceIllustration of tomato juice. Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/burakkarademir

Reported by the Today page, dietitian Natalie Rizzo revealed that tomato juice contains a lot of potassium, and is low in calories and sugar. Apart from being low in sodium, tomatoes also tend to reduce appetite. Additionally, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and vitamin C.

4. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice with fresh pomegranate and seedsPomegranate Juice with fresh pomegranate and seeds. Photo: Getty Images/Burcu Atalay Tankut

The next diet juice is pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that fight inflammation. These ingredients have also been linked to heart health, lower blood pressure, and anti-cancer activity.

5. Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice for pregnant womenIllustration of beetroot juice. Photo: Getty Images/Angelika Mostova

Beetroot contains many antioxidants that support weight loss. Calcium, vitamin C, iron, potassium and magnesium are present in beets.

Apart from that, compared to other juices, beet juice is also slightly lower in sugar content. Research shows that high antioxidant consumption can help reduce body mass index (BMI) in obese people.

6. Orange Juice

Orange juiceOrange juice illustration. Photo: Getty Images/DianaHirsch

Orange juice is known for its very high vitamin C content. It’s fine to consume orange juice from concentrate, if no sugar is added.

7. Sour Cherry Juice

New York registered dietitian and author of “Finally Full, Finally Slim,” Lisa Young, suggests choosing natural tart cherry juice with no added sugar.
A glass of tart cherry juice can contain 6% of the iron and potassium a person needs in a day.

As a note, if we choose juice products, we also need to be careful. Because many “juice products” are actually sweet drinks with sugar content (many are water with added sugar such as high fructose corn syrup).

According to The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 or Dietary Guidelines for Americans, when choosing juice at the store, it is important to look at the label and choose only 100% juice, which is nutrient-dense.


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