Kompas.com – Memory is a very important brain function in everyday life. Unfortunately, without realizing it, the wrong diet can accelerate cognitive decline.
Some foods that are often consumed can actually trigger inflammation and damage to brain cells.
In the long run, this condition can increase the risk of memory disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
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Research from WebMD And Healthline shows that the content in certain foods can have a negative impact on brain health.
Foods are high in sugar, trans fats, and processed ingredients contribute to decreased cognitive function.
This article will discuss 5 foods that can reduce memory if consumed regularly. By avoiding this, we can maintain brain health to remain sharp as we get older.
1. Fried food
Fried foods are delicious, but excessive consumption can damage the brain. The oil used for frying contains saturated and trans fats that are harmful to cognitive health.
Research from Cambridge University In 2016 it discovered the relationship between high -fat foods with decreased brain function. This study shows that people who often eat fried foods have a higher risk of having memory and cognitive disorders.
In addition, trans fat in fried foods can cause inflammation of blood vessels, including those leading to the brain. As a result, blood circulation to the brain is inhibited and brain function weakens.
To reduce this risk, use alternative cooking methods such as baking, boiling, or steaming. If you want to keep enjoying fried foods, use water fryers to reduce the amount of oil absorbed by food.
2. Processed carbohydrates
Processed carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, cake, and pizza have a high glycemic index. That is, this food can cause a drastic surge in blood sugar and impact brain health.
Study University of New South Wales, Australia (2015) found that high glycemic foods can trigger inflammation of the hypokampus, the part of the brain that regulates memory. This can increase the risk of dementia in the future.
In addition, study National Library of Medicine (2012) shows that children who consume high foods of processed carbohydrates have a lower non-verbal intelligence score.
To protect the brain, replace processed carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat, quinoa, and high -fiber vegetables.

3. Ultra-process food
Ultra-process foods such as instant noodles, chips, candy, and popcorn microwave often contain high salt, sugar, and additional chemicals. This food is minimal nutrition but high in calories that risk causing brain disorders.