5 Foods high fiber can keep cholesterol levels stable


High cholesterol levels can endanger health. Therefore, it is important to maintain cholesterol levels so that it is stable. One way to consume this high fiber food.

Cholesterol is actually very much needed by the body to carry out its functions well. However, the levels should not be excessive.

When high blood pressure levels, can trigger a variety of serious health problems. High cholesterol can produce fat deposits in blood vessels.


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Finally the precipitate accumulates and makes it difficult for blood to flow into the arteries. This fat deposit is also at risk of breaking suddenly and forms a lump that is harmful to the heart.

Therefore, it is important to always keep cholesterol levels stable.

In this case, a healthy diet is important. One of them is by enriching the intake of fiber which has natural ability to reduce cholesterol and improve heart health.

According to research published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fiber -rich foods reduce cholesterol levels in two ways.

First, the content of soluble fiber as in food, such as beans and apples is like a sponge in the digestive tract.

This type of fiber binds to cholesterol and blocks its absorption into the bloodstream. This condition causes a decrease in bad cholesterol levels (LDL) in the body.

In addition, bacteria in the intestine digest some soluble fiber which then produces short chain fatty acids. As a result, the formation of cholesterol in the liver can be prevented.

Second, consumption of insoluble fiber contained in whole grains and vegetables, its nature increases the volume of feces.

This type of fiber can encourage regular intestinal movements and help get rid of cholesterol in the body.

So, what high fiber foods are good for maintaining cholesterol levels? Launch Helethshots.com (02/02/2025), here is the list!

1. Nuts

Saute beansBeans like beans can reduce bad cholesterol levels. Photo: Instagram

Various types of nuts are good for overcoming this problem,

Choose high beans fiber, such as peas or beans that are packed with soluble fiber and play an important role in reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) cholesterol levels.

Beans are also very rich in vegetable protein so that it becomes a good choice for a balanced diet.

These beans can be eaten just like that, or to make it more delicious to be mixed into a salad or soup concoction.

2. Apple

Portrait of Smiling Beautiful Young Asian Woman Holding Red Apple. close upThe content of pectin in apples can also reduce cholesterol levels. Photo: Getty Images/Pratchaya

Apples are also rich in fiber which is good for lowering cholesterol.

Because the pectin content in it works to bind cholesterol in the digestive tract. Preventing its absorption so that it helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Apples are eaten intact or sliced ​​and cooked with other food ingredients.

Foods high in fiber for other cholesterol can be read on the next page!

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