4 Foods and Drinks That Should Not Be Consumed with Watermelon


Eating watermelon is certainly refreshing, especially when eaten on a hot day. But detikers should not eat watermelon close to the following foods or drinks.

Of course, it’s not because there are toxic effects or an unpleasant taste. This food combination may upset the stomach, reducing or even eliminating its benefits.

Foods That Should Not Be Eaten with Watermelon

Here are 4 foods and drinks that should not be eaten with watermelon, as quoted from India TV News:



1. Milk

Drinking milk after eating watermelon or mixing the two can cause digestive problems. Watermelon contains vitamin C which, if mixed with dairy products, risks causing bloating.

2. High Protein Foods

Watermelon should not be consumed together with high protein foods. Both have the risk of damaging digestive enzymes and causing problems. High protein foods such as nuts and seafood products.

3. Eggs

Eggs contain protein and fatty acids such as omega-3, while watermelon is a fruit rich in water. If eggs and watermelon are consumed together, the digestive organs have difficulty carrying out their functions, causing bloating and constipation.

4. Water

Reporting from the Times of India, watermelon is a fruit that contains a lot of water. In fact, around 91-92 percent of watermelon is water. So it is recommended that after eating watermelon not to drink a lot of water.

If you intake too much water, it will cause bloating. Apart from disrupting the digestive process, this disrupts the body’s metabolic system.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Apart from the food combination of watermelon above, this fruit has a number of health benefits. The following are the benefits of watermelon as reported on the Cleveland Clinic website:

1. Hydrates the Body

Watermelon contains a lot of water, so this fruit can hydrate the body well. Consuming watermelon can prevent fatigue, muscle cramps and headaches.

2. Supports eye health

Vitamin A contained in watermelon is efficacious in maintaining the health of the cornea of ​​the eye. One slice of medium sized watermelon can be sufficient
up to 11% of the body’s daily requirement for vitamin A.

3. Increases body immunity

Watermelon also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid) which can improve the body’s immune system, so it can fight germs and infections.

4. Prevents a number of diseases

Several studies link the benefits of antioxidants in watermelon to preventing a number of chronic diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

5. Healthy skin

The vitamin C content in watermelon also increases collagen production in the body. One of the benefits is increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin, as well as slowing the effects of aging.

So, even though watermelon contains many benefits, it’s best not to eat watermelon with the 4 foods and drinks above. Don’t forget to eat balanced nutritious food and exercise to maintain your body’s health.


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