3 rules for consumption of dates for diabetics to stay safe


Diabetics should pay attention to consumption of dates which are iconic foods during Ramadan. There are rules in consuming it so that blood sugar levels remain safe.

Dates are classified as good fruit consumed during Ramadan due to high natural sugar content. Launch Healthline, dates are rich in important nutrients that are good for the body. In 100 grams of dry dates, there are about 285 calories, 50-75 grams of carbohydrates, and 5-7 grams of fiber.

In addition, dates also contain protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for the body.


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Although it tastes sweet, dates have a low glycemic index (GI), between 44-53, depending on the type. This means that dates do not cause a spike in blood sugar that is fast after consumption.

In addition, dates also have a medium glycemic load (GL), which shows a moderate impact on blood sugar levels.

However, consumption of dates should not be careless for diabetics. There are rules that should be followed as follows:

1. No more than 2-3 dates

Diabetics are advised to consume dates no more than 2-3 pieces per day. This number is equivalent to about 1 tablespoon of cut dates.

2. intact consumption

Noor Deglet Dates.Dates are more recommended to be consumed in intact condition. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Ana Belen Garcia Sanchez

Dates should be consumed directly and not processed into juice or dates juice, because processing can reduce fiber content that is important for slowing carbohydrate absorption.

3. Not eaten at once

Avoid consuming dates at once at one time. For example, eating one dates before the move or exercising, and one another after finishing.

Diabetes sufferers can still enjoy dates safely as long as they pay attention to the amount and way of consumption. By limiting consumption up to 2-3 pieces per day and consuming it in full, dates can be a nutritious addition in a diet without causing significant surge in blood sugar.

This article has been aired on CNN Indonesia with the title “Diabetics can eat dates? Check out the consumption rules


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